• CZ
  • SK

Paperless DIY's: OBI and its suppliers are switching to Electronic Data Interchange

 10. 12. 2008

CCV Information systems was selected by OBI CZ as a partner for provision of web solution for the exchange of EDI documentation with its suppliers. CCV's offer have thus won in the competition of other providers and softwarehouses, approached by OBI CZ.

"OBI, which has been using EDI communication, even in the Czech Republic for several years, has been increasing its effort to connect to all its suppliers electronically since 2005," said the chief of invoice control Radka Havleová from OBI Czech Republic. In the first phase of the implementation, individual suppliers were connected to the ordering system, both through classic EDI (EDIFACT/EANCOM) and through a web portal. The next of OBI's priorities in the field of EDI communication was electronic invoicing. "Since the initial cooperation with one of the domestic suppliers on this project had not yielded desired results, in 2008 we approached other companies that supply similar solutions." said Havleová. CCV Information systems then won the selecting procedure. "Amongst the main reasons we have decided to cooperate with CCV was previous good experience with CCV connecting its older clients with the traditional EDI communication in OBI. Furthermore we have also considered the application of modern technological approach, experience of CCV with domestic EDI environment and other similar projects – last but not least the transparency and explicitness of contract conditions together with provided guarantees. One of CCV's greatest advantages was their reasonable price offer to all business partners of OBI." explained Havleová the result of the selcting procedure.

Part of the project will be cooperation with suppliers that approach us and that have previously not yet communicated with OBI or simply recieve orders. We will connect those to the EDI communication through the ORION web service, provided by CCV as a part of one of their supplemetary EDI services.

You can also read about EDI in OBI on SystemOnLine.cz (czech only)

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